Today's Tip and my solution for keeping all my ongoing projects organized is a super easy and cheap ($10.00 to make) shelf that now holds 8 ongoing projects. I will share the spray-painted version once I get the project finished.
8 cookie racks from Dollar Tree
1 package of clear zip ties
1 can of spray paint (color of choice, I had black on hand)
8 Dollar Tree storage containers (I already had these on hand but will go back and buy two more black containers so they all match)
All you do is lay one rack flat on working space, take another rack holding vertical to left and zip tie it to secure it (This forms the left side of shelf). Do the same for the right side (forming right side of shelf) then add the remaining racks in between the left and right sides securing all of them where you want the shelves with the zip ties. I was skeptical that this wouldn't be strong enough to hold all my projects. But I tested it out over the past week. I hung it and placed all my ongoing projects in the bins and WOW, it worked! And it has been a dream to be able to go right to the shelf and grab the bin and continue preparing my class projects. So definitely two thumbs up for this project.... now to get it spray-painted and pictures for you in the coming week.
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